Join The Westchester Plant Swap

Free and welcome to all! Share seeds, cuttings and rootings of your favorite (native) plants, herbs and veggies with your neighbors.

Let’s talk Plants!

Experts from Bedford Audubon, Hilltop Hanover, Stone Barn Center for Food and Agriculture and Wild Gardens will all be present at this event to help you with your seed and plant choices.

Directions Seed Swap:

Bring your seeds in paper envelopes. You will get a sticker for the envelope for the seed specifics and the option to describe the specific seeds you are looking for.

For an article about how to collect seeds click here >

Directions Plant Swap:

Remove soil from the plant to avoid contamination. Keep roots moist by wrapping them with some moist material, or by putting them in a small container with a bit of water. You will get a sticker for the plant specifics and the option to name the plant you are willing to swap for.

We are looking forward to seeing you!