A Sustainable Planet

The industrial production of meat and dairy requires a tremendous amount of resources.

Refrigeration and transportation over long distances add to the carbon footprint of our food.

Our need for tropical and out-of-season produce impacts valuable and endangered habitat.

The disappearance of our rain forests, climate change, COVID-19, air pollution… many of our problems are connected with the size of our population and our food production. If we want to solve these problems we have to find different ways to feed ourselves. Growing our food closer to home, eating with the seasons, and using our food leftovers for compost are important steps towards a healthier planet. Our yards can help sustain, not just a healthy environment for our wildlife, but also ourselves.

Local production of plant-based food requires a very small carbon footprint.

Organically produced crops are healthier for humans and for our environment.

Turn kitchen leftovers and garden debris into beautiful nutrient-rich garden soil.

Eat invasive species to give more vulnerable native species some needed room.

Food gardens don’t require weekly mowing, blowing or chemical applications.

How to Start?