Yard Signs

Many people are not aware of the advantages of sustainable landscaping. A wildlife garden might look neglected to them. Your neighbors might fear for rodents and pest, or more generally, they might fear that your ‘unkempt’ looking yard might lower property values.

Luckily there are many organization that sell beautiful yard signs. A good sign communicates your message and explains that the look of your yard is not result of neglect or disregard, but serves a serious concern.  A good sign may even inspire your neighbors to think of their own yards in a different way. Here is a selection of yard signs, offered by different organizations. Follow the links to order the signs.

National Wildlife Federation

The National Wildlife Federation has several types of beautiful signs to choose from ($30 and up). Offer food, water, cover and places to raise and support wildlife and you will be welcome to order one of their signs. Learn more >

Beyond Pesticides

For $13 you will receive an eight inches wide, aluminum enameled sign. Each sign you purchase comes with its own “Lawn Care Owner’s Manual”. Learn more >

Xerces Society

A durable 9″ x 12″ sign, available for a minimum donation of $56. You will also receive Xerces member benefits for one-year from the date of your donation. Learn more >

Monarch Watch

Once you have created and certified your Monarch Waystation Habitat, you become eligible to display this  $17 sign. Learn more >

Pollinator Partners

Pollinator Partnership’s mission is to promote the health of pollinators, critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education, and research. Become a Bee Friendly Garden. Follow the specified guidelines and pay an the annual $20 registration fee to obtain this sign Learn more >


Spread the word about the importance of native plants by placing this beautiful sign in your yard. Your donation of $25 or more will help support Audubon’s efforts to get one million bird-friendly native plants in the ground. Learn more >

Native Wildflower Planting

Show everyone the importance of your native plantings with this durable, color fade-proof, $28 Prairie Moon Nursery Native Plant sign. No-mow zone signs are available as well. Learn more >

Customized Signs

You need a number of signs, but have little money? Designs on corrugated plastic are affordable and can even be cut into smaller sizes. There are many online companies where you can order these signs, just browse ‘customized lawn signs’. Need help? Send us an email: info@healthyyards.org