Why Less Lawn

Colorado and California have been giving out rebates to homeowners who reduce the extent of their turf. Why? Because lawns have become unsustainable, especially in drought-stricken areas. Our traditional turf species, like Kentucky bluegrass, originated in Northern Europe where the climate is wet and cool. With a different climate and a different soil, we have to mow frequently, add supplements and use precious water. Also, because of these different circumstances, the turf is very susceptible to pests.

And not just that, conventional lawn maintenance has proven to be detrimental to our soil, creates poor drainage, is harmful to wildlife and pollutes our water.

Conclusion: we need to find some healthier alternatives. Under ‘Lawn Care’ in the menu you will find some options for healthier lawn care. But we recommend that every landscaper promotes lawn reduction in favor of planting trees, shrubs and perennials. You can create labor- or maintenance-free landscapes with plantings: there is enormous variety available — sufficient to meet every homeowner’s taste and wishes. Not only will the right plantings save water, pesticides and fertilizers, but it will also improve the drainage and create a healthy habitat for wildlife, for the homeowners, and for you.

But don’t worry! There will still be plenty of work for you to do to keep your clients’ properties looking beautiful. Here are some examples of what you can offer:

Replace turf grass with native grasses

Replace lawn with plants and shrubs

 Replace lawn with ground covers

Replace lawn with a flowering meadow

Replace lawn with a water saving xeriscape

Replace lawn with a rain garden
